Opioids: Communication videos

This series of  four educational videos aims to support effective conversations between health professionals and patients about the use of opioids for the management of chronic non-cancer pain. The videos focus on motivational interviewing techniques, providing examples of interactions between patients and health professionals, and demonstrating how best practice recommendations can be applied to individual patient circumstances.

The video series has been developed with funding from the Therapeutic Goods Administration, Australian Government Department of Health, and in collaboration with Painaustralia Consumer Advisory Group.


Video 1: How to have effective conversations with patients about opioids and chronic non-cancer pain

This video discusses conversations between health professionals and patients, and outlines 'motivational interviewing', which is the recommended evidence-based communication approach for these conversations, including its underlying ethos, four main principles and five key skills. 

Additional resources


Video 2: Effective conversations when initiating opioid treatment for a patient with chronic non-cancer pain

This video includes a demonstration of the use of motivational interviewing to facilitate shared decision-making with a patient when discussing an opioid trial.

Additional resources


Video 3: Effective conversations about tapering opioids


This video includes a demonstration of the use of motivational interviewing when discussing opioid tapering with a patient on long-term opioid treatment originally prescribed by a different doctor.

Additional resources

  • NPS MedicineWise resources
    • Tapering algorithm – outlines the framework and principles for tapering opioids
    • MedicineWise News: 5 steps to tapering opioids – focuses on safe tapering of opioids and provides commentary on the tapering algorithm
    • Conversation starters – useful verbatims for health professionals to start the conversation about tapering with patients
    • Patient action plan: Lowering your opioid dose – GP-mediated resource that aims to facilitate a discussion about the possible benefits of tapering and what’s involved in the process, and help doctors and patients agree a planned approach

    Video 4: Effective conversations about psychology referral, opioids and chronic non-cancer pain

    This video includes a demonstration of the use of motivational interviewing when discussing the relationship between pain and the brain and recommending a referral to a psychologist.

    Additional resources to use with your patients

    To access a copy of the video with the transcript, email [email protected]